Vidora CEO Alex Holub, presented a talk about Vidora’s Strategic AI solution and platform on Tuesday night 1/10 at Galvanize in San Francisco. There, Alex spoke to some of Galvanize’s leading data scientists and AI researchers about our technology and our vision. He firstly covered Vidora’s vision around how businesses will use AI in the future. As well as that, he described how Vidora deploys our AI technology with some of the world’s largest global companies. Those businesses include News Corp, Walmart, and Panasonic. He finally discussed the underlying technology Vidora leverages to engage hundreds of millions of users at scale with our technology.
Vidora enables anyone in any business to build and use complex machine learning models. With Vidora’s self-service platform, Cortex, machine learning is intuitive, interpretable and fast. As a result, Cortex automates the entire machine learning pipeline from raw data to model outputs. Cortex was developed by experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence from Stanford, Berkeley and Caltech. Today, Cortex sits at the heart of some of the largest global brands, such as Walmart, News Corp, and Discovery.
To learn more about our Strategic AI infrastructure, you can check out this video we put together with Amazon, or this guest blog post written by Vidora Co-Founder Philip West for the AWS Startup Blog.