Vidora enables anyone within an organization to quickly and easily take advantage of machine learning – even non-technical employees. We work closely with some of the world’s largest and most innovative Fortune 500 companies, and we’re always looking to improve our enterprise functionality to fit the needs of our enterprise partners. Last week we introduced support for Single Sign-On to simplify Cortex logins for enterprise organizations. Today, as part of this ongoing effort to support enterprise clients, we are excited to expand our support for managing individual users through our User Management and Permissions features.
Many of the organizations Vidora works with have different personas who leverage Cortex. Some Cortex users focus on our self-service model creation features while others primarily leverage our prediction exporting functionality. Still other users act as administrators who not only leverage all the features available in Cortex but also require the ability to create and manage new users.
Cortex now supports these different user personas through combinations of the following permissions:
- Manage Users – create, manage, and delete Cortex accounts and set user permissions
- Create Models – create, edit, retrain, and delete Cortex Models
- Export Predictions – create, edit, export, and delete Cortex Predictions
If you have questions about user management or permissions, contact your account manager or email us at support@vidora.com!