Welcome to Vidora’s Video Blog Series! Every two weeks, we will take an in-depth look at a different topic in the machine learning universe, breaking down some of the key challenges businesses face with machine learning today, why they should matter to you, and what solutions are out there to help businesses make the most of the technology. In this post, we look at the ML pipeline and how to automate it.
For the first part of Vidora’s video blog series, Technical Project Manager Anastasia Turin interviews Vidora Co-Founder and CTO Abhik Majumdar about the growing interest in automating the entire machine learning pipeline. They firstly discuss why automating the ML pipeline has become such a hot area of exploration in the machine learning community. They also talk about the practical advantages that automating the ML pipeline can give businesses. Finally, they talk about where the biggest technical innovations in the space are happening today.
Host: Anastasia Turin, Guest: Abhik Majumdar
About Vidora
Vidora enables anyone in any business to build and use complex machine learning models. With Vidora’s self-service platform, Cortex, machine learning is intuitive, interpretable and fast. Cortex also automates the entire machine learning pipeline from raw data to model outputs. Experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence from Stanford, Berkeley and Caltech developed Cortex. Finally, Cortex sits at the heart of some of the largest global brands, such as Walmart, News Corp, and Discovery.